Projects// our work
The project “University – Business Cooperation driven by Success Stories”, covering 5 countries, namely Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Norway, is developed to achieve following objectives:
- To foster regional competitiveness through University-Business Cooperation (UBC) Success Stories
– Promote excellence in education
– Support education to deliver skills according to labor market needs
– Enhance foundation for advanced lifelong learning programs
– Drive innovations and industralization
– Help to solve youth unemployment problems
- Drive and enhance cross-sectoral partnerships, particularly among higher education institutions (HEIs) and industries/employers/business
- Encourage systemic cooperation in exchange of experience between HEIs in the Nordic countries and the Baltics and thus further strengthen the region’s educational-business network
- Foster knowledge transfer for more prosperous regional development (from Scandinavia to Baltics)
The project “University – Business Cooperation driven by Success Stories” enhances cooperation between higher education institutions and businesses, not only identifying most important prerequisites and criteria that make UBC successful, meaningful and valuable, but also developing and make public the collection of various UBC case studies across 6 fields of cooperation:
1) research and development,
2) mobility,
3) commercialization of ideas,
4) curriculum development,
5) lifelong learning and
6) governance.
The Project is funded by The Nordplus Horizontal Programme: a cross- sectoral programme which supports innovative projects spanning from traditional categories and sectors to new, different, broader or more complex issues and challenges.